Community College Master Teacher Institute: In celebration of International Education Week 2020, the IRIS International Film Club is sponsoring four talks for community college instructors on teaching international studies through film. K-12 teachers are also welcome to attend. REGISTER HERE!
Before the talk, participants are encouraged to watch the film Earth, which shows the consequences of the 1947 Partition of South Asia through the eyes of a child from Lahore (located in present-day Pakistan). Professor Banerjee will then talk about how to use the film to discuss South Asia’s history and culture with students unfamiliar with the region. Earth is available on Amazon.
The first 30 community college instructors to register and attend all four CCMTI sessions will receive a copy of The Routledge Companion to World Cinema (retail value $51.95). All participants to any of the four sessions will receive a free digital packet of materials on teaching international studies through film.
Sponsored by the Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) and Center for South Asia. Co-hosted by the Midwest Institute for International/Intercultural Education, Guttman Community College, and Borough of Manhattan Community College.