Human Rights Speaker Series: Refugee Youth, Citizenship Education and Exclusion from Public Schooling

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@ 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Part of the Fall 2020 IRIS NRC Human Rights Speaker Series, with Professor Sally Bonet

About this Event

In this talk, which draws on a three year, multi-sited, multilingual ethnographic study with recently resettled Iraqi refugee families in Philadelphia, Dr. Sally Wesley Bonet examines the relationship between educational exclusion and the production of refugee youth as (non)citizens, suggesting that staging interventions to improve their lives necessitates a thoughtful reevaluation of educational policy and practices. Register here. 


Follow IRIS to see all events in this series!

October 1st: Addressing the Challenge of Coloniality in the Promises of Modernity and Cosmopolitanism to Higher Education. Register here.

October 27th: The Back 40 Mine: A conversation about Menominee rights, responsibilities, and care. Register here.

October 29th: Human Rights Education. Register here.

November 30th: Refugee Youth, Citizenship Education and Exclusion from Public Schooling. Register here.