Fulbright recently announced the opening of a new award: Fulbright-Fogarty Awards in Public Health!
Up to 20 designated grants will be offered in 2019-2020.
The Fulbright-Fogarty Awards are offered through a partnership between the Fulbright Program and the Fogarty International Center of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. These awards were established to promote the expansion of research in public health and clinical research in resource-limited settings.
Fulbright-Fogarty Awards carry the same benefits as the traditional Fulbright Study/Research grants to the host country. The Fogarty International Center, NIH, will provide support to the research training site and may provide orientation for the fellows at the NIH.
The program is designed for candidates who are currently enrolled in medical school or in a graduate-level program and who are interested in global health. The basic requirements and process for applying for the Fulbright-Fogarty Program are the same as for any Fulbright U.S. Student Study/Research Grant.
Fulbright-Fogarty Fellowship placements are available in these countries:
Sub-Saharan Africa: Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, and Uganda
Western Hemisphere: Dominican Republic, Guatemala, and Nicaragua
More information is available at https://us.fulbrightonline.org/about/types-of-awards/fulbright-fogarty-fellowships-in-public-health
And, of course, information on applying for ANY of the Fulbright US Student Program awards is available at https://iris.wisc.edu/funding/students/fulbright-us-student-program/