AUG. 23, 2019 K-12 Teacher Workshop, “Local to Global: Promoting Community Immunity,” at UW-La Crosse

August 23, 2019, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Murphy Library, room 150, UW-La Crosse, 1725 State Street, La Crosse

Registration fees: $35 in-service teachers, school nurses and librarians; $20 pre-service educators

On August 23rd, UW-Madison’s Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) and the UW-La Crosse Office of Extended Learning are presenting a day-long teacher workshop that will address will address the highly-relevant matter of community immunity around the globe.

In the year 2000, measles was declared eliminated from the U.S.  In 2019, less than 20 years later, measles has been confirmed in 30 states. In 2017, measles caused 110,000 deaths worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, the first six months of 2019 brought the highest number of measles cases in any year since 2006.  And this is just one disease.

The cost of the workshop, which includes lunch and coffee breaks, is $35 for in-service teachers, librarians, and nurses; $20 for pre-service teachers. Some financial aid is available, on a first-come, first-served basis, to educators coming from outside of La Crosse county, to help defray the costs of transportation and lodging.

The keynote speaker and head master mind for this event is Dr. James Conway, who specializes in pediatric infectious diseases and who works on programs, both locally and globally, to improve children’s lives.  Dr. Conway is a professor at the UW-Madison Medical School.  He is the Associate Director for Health Sciences at UW-Madison’s Global Health Institute and is a fellow of the American Association of Pediatrics in the Sections of Infectious Diseases and International Child Health. In addition, he is the Chair of the UW Immunization Task Force. You can read a bit about Dr. Conway here:

In addition to Dr. Conway, La Crosse-area infectious-disease and community-health specialists will take part in this event.

This workshop will address the following learning objectives:

  • Examine key benefits of childhood and youth-related immunizations;
  • Perceive the meaning and value of herd immunity;
  • Utilize examples of communicable disease outbreaks in unvaccinated persons;
  • Recommend sources of accurate information regarding the meaning and value of immunizations;
  • Identify key learning opportunities in the curriculum for immunization-related benefit discussions;
  • Develop reasonable next steps to be taken at the school work site and other community-based settings to advocate for age-appropriate immunizations.

Please register here:

For more information, please contact Nancy Heingartner at or 608.265.6585.

The Institute for Regional and International Studies is coordinating this workshop with funding from its Title VI National Resource Center grant from the International and Foreign Language Education (IFLE) office of the US Department of Education. This workshop is co-sponsored by Extended Learning at UW-La Crosse.