by Alyana Guidotti, IRIS Undergraduate Communications Intern
Victor Gama is a composer and designer of contemporary musical instruments, using technology to create new music inspired by the natural world. A solo performer who makes music for dance, film, theater, and multimedia performances, Gama has exhibited his unique and innovative instruments across the globe, inspiring others with the 21st century music that he quite literally makes from scratch. His award winning interactive exhibition with workshops and concerts, INSTRUMENTOS, has been featured in notable locations such as London’s Royal Opera House, Madrid’s Fundación Carlos D’Amberes, UK’s National Center for Design and Crafts.
On Monday, March 19, Gama shared this creative process with the Madison community as he gave a free performance at the Discovery Building. This performance features two special instruments created by Gama, the Toha and the Acrux. Watch the video recording of Gama’s performance and his introduction of the instruments HERE.