Learn about funding available through the Boren Awards!

On Friday, October 19, Jeff Cary, Outreach & Recruitment Manager for the Boren Awards program, will be on campus to hold information sessions for undergraduate and graduate students interested in learning more about the awards and the funding available:

Boren Undergraduate Scholarship Information Session
Friday, October 19
12:00 – 1:00pm
336 Ingraham Hall

Boren Graduate Fellowship Information Session
Friday, October 19
1:00 – 2:00pm
336 Ingraham Hall

Boren Scholarships (for undergrads) provide up to $20,000 for US students planning to study abroad in world regions critical to US interests. Boren Fellowships (for graduate students) provide up to $30,000 to add an important international and language component to their graduate education through specialization in area study, language study, or increased language proficiency.

Come learn more about the awards, what makes for a competitive application, eligibility & requirements, and have all your questions answered.

Learn more about the awards and the campus process for each at https://iris.wisc.edu/funding/students/boren/