WISLI secures 3-year grant to study language proficiency gains

Congratulations to the Wisconsin Intensive Summer Language Institutes (WISLI) and the Language Institute for securing a grant for the study of language proficiency gains in less commonly taught languages (LCTLs). Covid-19 presents many challenges, and for those able to adapt quickly, opportunities for success. This past summer WISLI pivoted their summer language instruction to be completely online, and was able to increase total enrollment. WISLI is a member of the Institute for Regional and International Studies.

“This study will help us to better understand student language learning experiences and outcomes in intensive instructional programs,” said Dr. Felecia Lucht, WISLI Director and a lead researcher on the project. “Important to this study is not only the quantitative data on proficiency gains, but also the perception of students participating in the programs. Both will inform programming and help chart a path toward the best possible experiences and learning outcomes for language students.”

The grant, Speaking Proficiency Outcomes of Face-to-Face and Online U.S. Intensive Postsecondary Summer Programs in Less and Least Commonly Taught Foreign Languages, is through the U.S. Department of Education’s Title VI International Research and Studies Program (IRS).