UPDATED: Upcoming Fulbright information sessions announced!!

The application for the 2021-2022 Fulbright US Student Program (FUSP) competition opens on March 31 and we have a number of opportunities for students & alumni to learn more about all that the FUSP award offers!!

The IRIS Awards Office is hosting information sessions on March 2 (3pm), March 31 (4pm CDT), and April 15 (4pm CDT), all in 336 Ingraham Hall.

Updated: our March 31 and April 16 info sessions will be streamed online @ http://go.wisc.edu/FulbrightInfoSession – you can join the session online 15 minutes prior to each event.

Please share the flyers posted below!

Can’t make the information sessions but want to learn more…

The UW-Madison’s Fulbright Program Advisor, Mark Lilleleht, is available for one-on-one consultations with any current student or alum interested in exploring opportunities available through the Fulbright US Student Program. Send an email to awards@iris.wisc.edu including a couple different days & times you’re available to connect and preferred channel (phone, Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp, Google Duo) and we’ll get an appointment set up! Off-“regular office hour” appointments are just fine.

More details available on the UW-Madison’s Fulbright page @ http://go.wisc.edu/fusp.